You are here: TITLER > Advanced mode > RSS


The “RSS” title allows for the live embedding of the information feed.

Some examples:


The text and images may be replaced by elements from the RSS feed. This is configured via the window .


On the right side, you adjust the various conditions for the appearance of items.

  • URL: http:// Internet Address for the RSS feed file
  • Interval: allows for the definition of the rolling time between each feed item
  • Preview Data: allows you to preview the RSS feed received based on the chosen configuration.
    You can also browse with the next / back buttons to look through the feed.

You have various variables coming from the RSS feeds which you can assign to objects, via the left-hand side:


  • Item Image: Image included in the item.
  • Logo: RSS feed logo.

If you would like to keep your image and you do not want to dynamically replace it, select the empty field in the drop-down menu.


  • Item title: Title of the item
  • Item description: Text for the item

If you would like to keep your text and you do not want to dynamically replace it, select the empty field in the drop-down menu.